Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31, 2015

Highlights of the Day:

  • Got up at 9:30. Had chocolate mini waffles and strawberries for breakfast. Relaxed after breakfast to let grandma and grandpa read their paper. 
  • Got dressed in a cute Hello Kitty shirt. Had gummies and went outside with grandma. 
    Helped grandma set up her new pool. Once it had a couple of inches of water had to come in and get swimsuit and toys. Had a blast even though the water was cold. 
  • Came inside, dried off, put on dry clothes, and are chicken Alfredo for lunch. After lunch, took a nap, swimming makes you tired. 
  • Grandma woke me up from my nap because Alice and Jeremiah came to visit. 
  • Jeremiah and I played in the pool and then played out of the pool. Alice and Jeremiah stayed for dinner. Grandpa grilled hot dogs on the grill.  Jeremiah and I watched Big Hero 6. 
    After Jeremiah left, I talked to mommy and daddy and told them both how much I love them. Then I rode my bike while Grandma walked twice around the block. 
  • I had a bowl of cereal for snack then a bath. 
  • Watched a few shows before medicine and bed. It's been a very busy and fun day.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 30, 2015

Highlights of my day:

  • Drove to meet Grandma and Grandpa.  Stopped to eat lunch on the way to their house. 
  • Took a nap in the car so I could be rested when we got there.
  • Thought it took a long time to get to our house, kept asking when we were going to he there. 
  • Once we got home I helped to carry my stuff into the house and then wanted to ride my bike. I needed more room than our yard so we walked down to the church parking lot.
  • After that Grandma and I went to the store. 
  • Grandma fixed chicken Alfredo with broccoli on angel hair pasta. I wasn't sure about the pasta since it wasn't fettuccini. I had 2 helpings. 
  • I played in the sprinkler while grandma watered her flowers. 
  • Once we finished with that I wanted to catch lightning bugs. I blew bubbles while waiting for them to come out. We were too early so I suggested a snack of cereal while we waited for it to get dark. 
  • Once it got dark, we went back outside and I caught one and then said it was lonely so i needed to let it go. 
  • Since they seemed to be more at the church we walked down there to see if I could catch more.
  • No luck, they were too quick for me tonight but we did see a bunny on our way back to the house. 
  • Back at the house I wanted another snack before getting ready for bed. We had popcorn. 
  • I took my medicine, brushed teeth, and went right to bed.



Friday, May 29, 2015

May 29, 2015

Highlights of the Day:

  • I woke up groggy and ill-tempered this morning. Daddy dressed me in a denim dress but I didn't like it. I picked out a different denim dress that Daddy let me wear. He even took me to get donuts, too.
  • I got smileys all week at school!
  • Daddy picked me up after school and we went to PetSmart. I loved looking at the sleeping kitties and the birds. I even picked out treats for Gemma and Cameron. Then, we went to Ms. Sierra's house. While there, I got to go walking, ride my scooter, and go to Walmart. I even got to play on my new swing at Ms. Sierra's house. When Daddy picked me back up, we saw deer in the road. One of them jumped really high over a fence. The other one hid behind a tree. I could still see it.  Mommy called and I had to tell her all about the deer.  I couldn't wait until she got home to tell her since I was so excited.
  • I didn't see much of Mommy or Daddy today. Tomorrow, we will all meet Grandma and Grandpa. I'm going to stay awhile with them (maybe a full week!).  I'm very excited!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015

Highlights of the Day:

  • I was extremely tired this morning when I woke up... I whined and whined.  Looks like I need an earlier bedtime.  Mommy did let me stay up too late last night.
  • Mommy made me put yellow barrettes in my hair before leaving for school since they matched the flowers in my dress and since she is tired of seeing my stringy hair all in my face.  Mommy wishes I was more into having my hair fixed (or at least out of my face).
  • I had a great day at school.  We played outside and I even got to play in the sand and make a tower of a sand castle by adding a little water to the sand.  I loved it!  We also watched Ratatouille.  We were supposed to watch Big Hero 6, but I forgot to bring it to school.
  • Daddy picked me up from school and I helped him for a few minutes get ready for his dance at the middle school until Mommy picked me up there.
  • Mommy and I went to dinner in Hagerstown and did a little shopping.  I found some huge flowers that didn't even smell... Boo!  I got a unicorn stamp, pink ink for the stamp, and some colorful curling ribbon while at the craft store then I spent a few minutes at Toys R Us before going back to help Daddy pack up.  I was a big helper carrying a few small boxes for Daddy then Mommy and I came home.
  • I was not as polite as I usually am and was more demanding and said fewer "please" and "thank yous" so Mommy wasn't too happy with me.  I'm usually very polite, but not today.  I'm going to have to work on it in order to keep Mommy happy.  Someone once said, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."  That seems to be very true.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27, 2015

Highlights of the Day:

  • I woke up before 6:00 and ended up in bed with Mommy and Daddy.  Once Daddy made me come downstairs to eat and get ready, I was passed out on the couch, way too tired!
  • Wore a very cute dress (Daddy thinks it's too short) to school.  I looked super cute!
  • I took my rainbow bear for show and tell today.  I made sure that she wore her prettiest pink dress to show my friends. 
  • I got a smiley and so did my friend who I have promised a puzzle to if she goes all week without a frowny... she often gets one during the week. 
  • Daddy picked me up and we went straight to eat dinner at "little piggy" (Arbys).  I wanted to sit outside but Daddy said we would get a sunburn so we sat inside.  I ate my food and even a little of Daddy's.  I found a curly fry that looked like a ribbon.  I was so excited to pick it up and show it to Daddy.  He must really love me since he bought me my own chocolate milkshake.
  • I spent a few hours with Ms. Sierra while Daddy had practice.
  • Mommy picked me up and I told her all about my day on the way home.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 26, 2015

Highlights of the Day:

  • I slept all night!!!  Mommy and Daddy were thrilled about this since it has been a while since this has happened due to my sickness.
  • I wore one of my beautiful rainbow dresses that Grandma and Grandpa got me on their trip for my first day back to school in over a week.  I had fun playing with my friends and made it through the whole day at school.
  • Daddy picked me up from school and I complained that my dress was rubbing a little, so I switched to another of my island dresses from my grandparents.  I love them all!
  • When Mommy got home, Daddy left to go to graduation at his school.  After a brief playtime in the backyard with the water "guns," Mommy and I went to Chick-fil-A to eat.  There was a giant bounce house outside when we got there so I stopped there first.  I got to jump for quite a while all by myself.  It was awesome because I could do all the jumps and turns that I wanted without worrying about bumping into someone.  We ate and played in the play area where I made friends and we played "robots," even using our robot voices while hiding.  I also shared my extra cherries (thanks Trevor!) with my new friend.
  • Mommy and I walked (I scooted) with Carol to Daddy's school's graduation.  We stood a watched a little bit and Carol even cheered loud for one of the boys with the same last name as her.  I found a playmate there too.  On the way home, I slipped and fell and hurt my ankle a little.  Mommy carried me all the way home.  She just thought I was getting tired... more tired than hurt, but she carried me anyway.
  • At home, Mommy and I watched the movie Box Trolls together.  I ruined the storyline for Mommy a few times by telling her what was going to happen since I had seen the movie before.  After the movie, I had her help me spell "Jelly" and I wrote it and drew a picture of the character named Jelly from the movie.  She was proud of me.


Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25, 2015

Highlights of the Day:

  • I slept in my own bed last night, but I still had to have breathing treatments in the middle of the night. I finally got up at 7:15. Daddy seemed real excited about getting up that early on a holiday. I watched a little television while Daddy napped on the couch.
  • When Mommy woke up, I cleaned in my room a little bit while she took a shower then I invited her to "Alyson's café."  I fixed her turkey and peas for lunch.  She loved it!
  • I played dress up this afternoon while Daddy was doing dishes. I kept changing into all of my princess costumes that Mommy bought me and showing Daddy. Then, I dressed up all of my Barbie Dolls and placed them on my kickboard so they could go on a trip.
  • I felt a lot better today and only had to take Tylenol once. However, I had a lot of pent up energy. I played outside a little bit and even washed my slide and swing. I kept fighting sleep but eventually passed out on the couch. Lucy came by right after I fell asleep to deliver a get well card. I miss her a lot.
  • I took a bath and played with the bubbles. I made a bubble beard and kept hiding my ducks in the bubbles.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 24, 2015

Highlights of the day:
  • Woke up without a fever this morning!  Mommy was thrilled!  We even high-fived to celebrate. 
  • She and I relaxed this morning at home since she was still a little apprehensive about me going to church and possibly sharing germs with the other little kids.
  • When Daddy got home from church, I was dressed and ready and told him I wanted to go to "trivia" to eat lunch.  I had lots of energy!  Once we got there and sat down, I immediately started to get whiny about being cold and needing a jacket or blanket and even after having those things, I still was complaining about my ear hurting and other things too.  Daddy had them package our food to go so I could be more comfy at home while they ate lunch.
  • Once we got home Mommy took my temperature again and I was back to having a fever.  More medicine and a nap and I felt better again though I still had a fever.
  • I finally felt better again by late afternoon, so I talked Mommy into taking me to Target so I could walk around.  I did great and had energy at the beginning, even posing for my traditional picture outside of the store in the red circle, but by less than half way through the store, I was ready to ride in the cart.
  • At home, I played outside a few minutes before coming in to rest on the couch.  I ate a little bit of dinner then we rested on the couch watching Cirque du Soleil.  I was fascinated by it! 
  • My fever was gone by bedtime and Mommy is hoping that my increased energy off and on means the end of this bug is coming soon. We are all tired of it, that's for sure.