Most Memorable Events of the Day:
Even though Mommy and I had picked out my clothes last night, I changed my mind by morning. I didn't want to wear my jeans even though they were super cute. Instead of jeans, I wore owl leggings which made my outfit overly pink.
Today at school, we painted a fish in art class. I told Mommy that maybe she would get to see it at the art show... Mommy isn't quite sure what I'm talking about. I left school with Maggie and her Daddy. They took me to Mommy at her school where she was wrapping up a meeting.
"Duck lady" and I made tissue paper parachutes for some of her ducks then tested them. It was amazing and fun!
We ate a yummy dinner then headed to church. I'm not sure why we went all the way over there when it ended up being just the three of us. We could have just had bible study at home. At least I had technology... I enjoyed typing and making shapes on Word. I even figured out how to change colors and sizes of the shapes all on my own.
I brushed my teeth three times today thanks to Mommy's new reward system. This girl sure loves her quarters! And she is so sweet that when she is rewarded with a quarter, she gives us coins back... at least a few pennies.