Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day:

  • I woke up at a little after 8:00 this morning and ate breakfast with Daddy while watching Curious George.  We also worked out with the Wii fit.  Daddy was using the Wii fit balance board and I was using the scale next to him to stand on.  He said I was too cute!
  • After Mommy woke up, I tried to be a bum and eat some of her cereal but she didn't share much since I had already had breakfast. 
  • Mommy and I spent some time playing with a bag of pencils.  I kept dumping them and sorting them and moving them around the room.  I also asked Mommy for paper to draw on so Mommy explained something about the pencils needing to be sharpened but I found paper and tried to draw on them anyway.
  • Mommy gave me a few Teddy Grahams to eat to tide me over until lunch.  I sat next to Mommy and put the cookies between my toes and then brought them to my mouth with my feet.  Mommy says I've been watching too much Curious George!
  • After a lunch of grilled cheese and peaches, I went upstairs to take a nap.  After a couple of minutes Mommy and Daddy heard me yelling for them and I sounded closer than normal.  That was because I was at the top of the steps.  I had climbed out of the crib and was wanting help down the stairs.  When Mommy came upstairs and saw me, I smiled so big and waved at her like I was so proud of myself.  Mommy just shook her head and look like she was laughing but concerned at the same time.  She put me back in bed and sat with me until I was tired enough to fall asleep.
  • After nap, I played a little more, then ate dinner and got dressed for swim lessons.  Today at swim class, we practiced blowing bubbles in the water, kicking, moving our arms, and even practiced climbing out of the pool and jumping back in.  I did great!  Daddy says it's scary how advanced I am at swimming and climbing.  The only issue Mommy and Daddy had was that when I climbed out I wanted to go to the other pool, so Daddy had to go back and forth between pools. I got so cold that my lips were turning a little blue so Mommy and Daddy bundled me up in a towel and stood in the sun with me after I went down the frog slide a few times.
  • When we got home, Daddy turned on the sprinkler in the back yard and let me run around for a while.  I had so much fun.  I moved the stool around to keep it in the water and even tried moving the sprinkler a couple of times, but it kept spraying me right in the face, so I asked Daddy to help move it.
  • After sprinkler time, Daddy bundled me up in the towel again and after changing into dry clothes, we had a snack which included a plum.  It was delicious!  I was supposed to share with Daddy, but I ate over 3/4 of it and only had a bite or two left for Daddy.  We also shared some pudding too.
  • For bedtime, Mommy and Daddy put a part of the fence that used to be in the living room at the door of my bedroom in case I climbed out of the crib again.  Within one minute, I was already around it and in the hallway.  Mommy says we will have to sleep with the upstairs gate closed tonight just in case until we can find another solution.

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