Saturday, May 27, 2017

May 27, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up in the middle of the night after having a bad dream... at least I got to cuddle with Mommy,  even though that meant we kicked Daddy out of bed until morning.

Mommy and I were going to go to some yard sales, but then the rain started.   Instead we decided to go to Monkey Joes. I got to use my quarters from the claw machine and even won an animal!  I actually won two,  but decided to give one away to another little girl that was playing there.  I made up a doing about winning and sang it to Mommy,  "Tell Grandma that I won won won the claw claw."

At one point, Mommy told me to go play... she said,  "see ya!" I responded, "See ya wouldn't want to be ya."  She thought it was funny!

After Monkey Joes, Mommy and I did a little shopping.  I got a toy bow and arrow set and a boogie board that I kept calling "my surf board. "  i told Mommy,  "Surfs up" and "call me gnarly."

On the way home from Hagerstown,  I told Mommy,  "I know Grandma was a good mom... because she is a great Grandma to me."

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