Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12, 2017

Memories from Today:

Sleepy this morning but got dressed in my green shirt pretty quickly.  Packed my lunch and got ready to go to school.

Whrn it was time to walk from Mommy's school it had started to rain.   Throughout the morning, it continued to train so the class sang Rain Rain Go Away... and it did. The rain went away and the sun came out. 

We walked over to the high school to make floats for our peeps woth the big STEM kids.   It was fun!  I had hoped that Mommy would drop by, but she wad out of the building at a meeting.  We had so much fun!

My friends finished signing my yearbook and we had a great time with warm and cold colors in art class, though Mommy was surprised to see lots of market on my hands.

Had fun visiting duck lady and bumming snacks (and peeps) ar Mommy's school.

I spent a few hours with Ms. Kelly and Ms. Emily white Mommy and Daddy went to Daddy's movie premiere.   We walked (even though my leg was hurting) and passed a ball back and forth.   I was totally exhausted when they picked me up!

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