Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 22, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up to the sound of the doorbell at Tori's house.  It was Daddy coming to pick me up.  We went home and ate breakfast and played Mario for a bit.

We spent the entire day at home since it was cold and rainy outside.  I enjoyed making a "fort" with blankets and even set up my own classroom inside.  I even had "students" (a doll I named "Alyson Junior" and a couple stuffed animals) and small buckets for each student's supplies (like we have at school).  I even borrowed Mommy's phone to use as a timer like Mrs. Clark does in class.  Mommy loved listening to me pretend to teach.

I helped Daddy win a few more levels of Mario... he says I am very helpful!  We also watched a little tv and movies and I even spent some time sorting through clothes that no longer fit and toys I no longer play with.

It was nice having a lazy day at home.  I guess Spring Break is almost over.

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