Friday, June 30, 2017

June 30, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up and went downstairs on my own after much convincing from Mommy and Daddy.   We spent a little time relaxing at home during the afternoon.  I also got some great play and cuddle time with Apple.  

I helped Mommy and Daddy do a little cleaning and organizing.  I offered to do chores if they made me a list.

After packing my things (and trying to pack Apple), we went to Ms. Kelly's house where I spent the evening and night while Mommy and Daddy went to a concert.  I had a meltdown when they dropped me off because I left something at home. 

I can't wait to maybe go swimming tomorrow!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

June 29, 2017

Memories from Today:

I slept in a bit then ate two bowls of Lucky Charms.  While Mommy went to work for a bit, Daddy and I relaxed a little watching television.  

Daddy took me to Mommy's school when he had to go to a meeting.   While there,  I made new post-it notes for Mommy's door.   I wanted it to say,  "Science Rules!"  Mommy thought that was great!  I colored and painted,  hung out with Ms. Sherri, and even entertained a young girl who came into the office with her family.

Daddy took Mommy and I to dinner at b-dubs then to the park.  I played in the creek, played on all the playgrounds, listened to music, and had lots of fun!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 28, 2017

Memories from Today:

After breakfast and a little television,  I played with the neighbor boy.  We played on the playset in yard as well as with my tent and tunnel. We had lots of fun! 

Mommy finally got home from work just in time for dinner.  We had my fave... pasta with white sauce.

Went to church but entertained myself for a while since I was the only kid there due to camp.  At least I got tomale a craft with the ladies!  I value up with my design all by myself!  I was so proud of my artwork!

Got to spend a lot of time cuddling with Apple today.   She is such a sweetie... playful and cuddly!!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

June 27, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up ready to go caving!  Daddy had agreed to meet a scouting family and take them caving, so he brought Mommy and I along. 

I was very excited, adventurous, and brave for most of the cave trip,  only having meltdowns when I had to put my hands in water I couldn't see through and when there were spiders at the exit where we had to climb out.  

Mommy and I walked with the group to the second cave but only went in the main entrance because the rest required good swimming.   Mommy and I played in the creek at the cave entrance then watched butterflies in the field while waiting for the others to finish.

Since we were already close to Spruce Knob, we went sheaf and stored to see the lake and to eat a sandwich there.  I even had fish trying to nibble on my fingers at the edge of the lake.  We then went to the top of Spruce Knob.  I love the views and posing for pics.  I even took a great daisy picture all by myself!

Wee stopped by Seneca Rocks as we headed back home.   After lunch in Petersburg, it was straight home.  We had a busy and fun day!

Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up and ate breakfast.  I watched tv and played with Apple. I was Mommy wasn't home.  I don't know why she is working in the summer!

When Mommy got home, she rested a bit then we played outside.    After Daddy left for his meeting, I rode my scooter and Mommy and I tossed the hula hoop back and forth.  After playing "dollhouse" upstairs with Mommy and my stuffed animals (feeding them,  playing with them,  and putting them to bed), we fixed sandwiches for dinner amd took them to the park for a picnic and play time. At the park I made friends and enjoyed playing in the creek.  All of us were having fun on the merry go round and Mommy had us play by rolling the balls back and forth while we spin in a circle.  She said it was"science" and I quickly figured out how to roll it to get it to my friend.  They had much more trouble.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

June 25, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up early and immediately wanted to find my kitty, Apple.  I was disappointed that she slept in Mommy and Daddy's room.  I want Apple to be able to sleep with me.

After some morning play time with Apple, it was time for church.  We ate lunch with Major Tom after church.

Mommy took me to Michael's to make slime.  It was fun but I had a meltdown when my rainbow of paint colors didn't look like I thought it should.  Mommy took a picture of my meltdown face, but I deleted it before she could use it against me.

I played outside with my neighbor friend.   We sang,  making up our own songs,  and danced.  I told Mommy that we were a band and made tickets to the show and signs to show people how to get in the yard to watch the performance.   Mommy was the only one that watched but I think she enjoyed it.

Mommy and I tried making glow in the dark slime but it didn't work exactly like it was supposed to.  I guess we can try again tomorrow.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

June 24, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up and ate breakfast and finished watching the movie,  The Waterhorse.  Mommy decided to take me to the local humane society to see if Apple, the black cat were been looking at on the Facebook, was still available.  She was still there and we played with her. I immediately loved her and wanted her.  When Mommy went to pay to take her home, the lady working there said the person who brought her in had paid the adoption... what a nice surprise for us. We only had to pay a small amount for medicine for her.  I decided I liked the name Apple Jack Lucky Marcum.

We spent the afternoon and evening getting her used to the house and slowly introducing her to the other pets.   Cameron is the one really struggling... he blames Daddy and keeps hissing at him.   I guess it will take some time.  She was very social with ask of us and quickly got comfortable,  cuddling with us on the couch.   While she was playing with me, I would say, "Apple... Apple... Android."  Mommy thought it was hilarious!

Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up early this morning and went to work with Mommy. I was tired but cooperative, and was super happy when Maggie showed up with her Mommy. Maggie and I played and played and were super sad when it was time for her to go home. Hopefully we will get to have a play date soon.

When Mommy and I got home Daddy was already there. I was happy to see him but sad that "girl time" was over. Daddy took us girls to lunch and then when we got home I played outside. I was disappointed that my neighbor friends were not home but still had fun on my own. 

Daddy spent some time teaching me a little bit of piano this evening. I was super proud of myself for playing as well as what I was so soon. Mommy and daddy were also proud.

I spent the evening with Daddy while Mommy went out with her friends. We even got to do a little shopping. I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.