Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30, 2013

Alyson's Most Memorable Events of the Day:

  • I was restless again during the night, waking up coughing a few times during the night.  Hopefully this is no indication of what the rest of allergy season will be like.
  • I woke up this morning feeling better other than being a little sleepy.
  • I tried taking pictures of the buses this morning but kept missing them. 
  • I carried my backpack to the car and was such a "super helper."  I even rearranged a few of Ms. Cheri's driveway rocks and blew a dandelion at Mommy before getting in the car.
  • It was drizzling a little when we got home, so I told Mommy I needed my umbrella.  Mommy took a few pictures of me with my umbrella in front of our flowers.  She thought I was very cute.
  • We ran a few errands then ate a quick dinner.  I rode my scooter though the house and built a dinosaur of links with Mommy in the floor.  I also rode my rocking horse and played with my stickers. 
  • We walked to Ms. Brittny and Jill's house to visit a few minutes.  They gave me such a fun game called Crocodile Dentist.  I loved it.  They also let me try the apple-banana buddy fruit... DELICIOUS!  I cried once we got back home and Mommy said I had eaten it all so she threw away the package. 
  • At bedtime, Mommy and I read the book, Ten Little Fingers, Ten Little Toes.  I hid in my "treehouse" a minute before agreeing to turn out the light and get in bed.  When Mommy left the room, I asked her to come back so I could tell her a joke.  She had a hard time understanding it.  She heard something about a baby crying and medicine.  Mommy asked me who told me the joke so I told her it was Keegan's Dad.  Mommy will probably find out what the joke was tomorrow.  She loves that I am getting such a great sense of humor.

Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29, 2013

Alyson's Most Memorable Events of the Day:

  •  I was a little restless last night, but still slept throughout the night. I did wake up with a runny nose. I ate muffins with daddy this morning, but got distracted watching George so I had to finish them in the car.  My hair was quite a mess from going to sleep with it damp.  It was wild all day!
  • My nose ran all day but that didn't stop me from having fun at Ms. Cheri's.
  • Mommy and I made a few stops on the way home today, including picking up pizza for dinner.
  • When we got home, I found a box waiting for me.  It was a Build-a-Bear box.  I was so excited to open it.  It was a beautiful blue bear with puzzle pieces on his chest and feet.  He even had a certificate that said his name is "Danny T."  Mommy and Daddy seemed to act like he was a very special bear so I gave him a very big hug.  I love him!
  • After we ate, mommy left to get work done and daddy and I washed dishes and folded laundry. I'm really good at playing in the water and I love the soap bubbles.
  • I was being super silly tonight, singing "I'm a little teapot" but this time saying, "here is my face!" and laughing like crazy.  I also kept wanting to lick Mommy's pant leg.  She said it was gross and to stop, but I thought it was hilarious!
  • I counted my money before going to bed. I found a quarter in mommy's pocket so I had to put it in my piggy bank. Mommy always has money in her pockets and I love to dig in them to find it. I don't think she minds.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 28, 2013

Alyson's Most Memorable Events of the Day:

  • I whined a little off and on during the night, so Mommy and Daddy let me cuddle with them for a little while. 
  • Daddy got up with me and then got me ready for church.  Mommy stayed home in bed since she still didn't feel well.
  • Daddy got us some lunch after church, though none of us ate very much.  I cuddle with Mommy on the couch and watched a couple of shows before my nap while Daddy was at his play. 
  • It was a lazy evening of laying around watching television, riding my scooter through the house, cuddling with Gemma, and playing with Mommy's iPad. 
  • I took a bath and had fun squirting Daddy with water.  I love playing in the tub!
  • We read a few stories before I gave up and climbed into bed. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013

Alyson's Most Exciting Events if the Day (note from Mommy: formatting off due to posting from phone and letters off due to typing without glasses on)

Daddy woke up sick this morning and laid around all day until time for his play tonight.

Mommy and I walked with Carol to the chocolate festival downtown and tried different candies and cupcakes. We even found a new place to play called the Be-Hive. I ran into Chase and his Mommy there. I played with the fairy wings, fireman hat, gold clubs, and kitchen set. It was so much fun that I didn't want to leave.

I took a nap once at home and Mommy did too. Then she got sick like Daddy. I helped take care of her and was a very big girl to help Mommy after Daddy has to leave for the play.

Now Mommy just hopes I'm not next to get sick.

Not sure about church tomorrow. We will have to see how tonight goes.

Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26, 2013

Alyson's Most Memorable Events of the Day:

  • I was a little disappointed that we didn't have time to get donuts this morning.  The line was way too long so Mommy said we could get donuts tomorrow.  Donut Saturday doesn't quite sound the same as Donut Friday.  :(
  • When Mommy picked me up at Ms. Cheri's, I had my backpack on my back and my lunch bag in my hand.  I was ready to go.  After snagging a dandelion puff out of the yard and blowing it, I climbed into the car.
  • As soon as we walked into the door of the house, I ran upstairs to wake Daddy up from his nap.  I said, "Cockadoodledoo!  Cockadoodledoo!" 
  • Daddy took Mommy and I to Chick-fil-a to play and eat a quick dinner before he left for opening night of his play, Honus and Me
  • After Daddy left, Mommy and I called Momaw and I talked to her and sang a couple of songs to her, Twinkle, Twinkle and If You're Happy and You Know it Clap Your Feet???
  • Mommy and I went for a walk around the neighborhood and looked at all of the beautiful flowers and flowering trees.  Mommy even took a few pictures while we walked.  It was a little cool, but a nice night to walk and see the sunset.  I told Mommy, "God made it for us" like she always tells me when we see pretty sunrises while we ride to Ms. Cheri's in the mornings.
  • When we got home, I had to help Mommy open the front door.  The key is kinda hard to turn.  Then, we called Grandma and Grandpa.  I even got to hear a choo-choo train over the phone.
  • At bedtime, we read a couple of books and I started singing, "Here is my handle, here is my snout."  All of a sudden Mommy started to laugh.  She couldn't quite giggling so I kept repeating, "here is my snout" over and over again to keep her laughing.  I also got the giggles.  The two of us were so funny laughing. 
  • When it was time to get in bed, I looked out my window for the moon and Mommy and I thought we saw it hiding behind the trees.  A few minutes later we looked again and it was just above the trees.  Mommy said the moon was playing peekaboo with me.  Silly moon!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25, 2013

Alyson's Most Memorable Events of the Day:

  • I once again wore my pink sparkly shoes today, along with my colorful striped shirt with the hood.  Ms. Cheri really liked my shirt.
  • When Mommy picked me up, my shirt was covered in ravioli.  Ms. Cheri said I got it all over me, even in my hair.  Mommy said it reminded her of a song Daddy sings sometimes about ravioli. 
  • Mommy and I stopped at Walmart to shop a few minutes before heading home.  While shopping, I decided to start singing, "If you're happy and you know it."  Everyone thought I was so cute.
  • After a very quick dinner, I wanted Daddy to put my hair up using my new hair ties that Mommy and I bought at Walmart.  He did pretty well considering the fact that I didn't really sit still. 
  • I went to Ms. Sierra's to play while Mommy and Daddy went to their YoungLife banquet.  I had fun playing.  I think that Ms. Sierra and her family like having me around to keep them entertained.
  • When Mommy and Daddy picked me up, I was ready to run out the door.  Mommy and Daddy both pointed out the big, beautiful moon to me.  Mommy even gave me a quick lesson about the moon.  She explained that when it is a complete circle, like tonight, then it is called a full moon.  Then we howled at the moon, and Daddy said we should also bark at the moon (like Ozzy) so I said, "Arf! Arf!"
  • When we got out of the car, Daddy and I played with our shadows, even putting our arms out like wings.  It was so much fun.  I did notice my shadow looks very different at night than during the day.
  • Once at home, it was bedtime.  I was a big girl tonight and was content to fall asleep with very little whining after reading a couple of books with Daddy.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24, 2013

Alyson's Most Memorable Events of the Day:

  • I wore my kitty cat shirt to Ms.Cheri's house today. 
  • On the way there, I asked Mommy for her phone to take a picture of school buses.  I ended up getting a blurry picture of the school bus out the front windshield and a quick picture of the church school buses that are painted red, white, and blue.  I also took a picture of a truck and cars out the front windshield while Mommy was driving.
  • When we got to Ms. Cheri's house, Keegan had just gotten there.  He came to my door to ask Mommy if he could help her carry anything for me. She let him carry my bag inside for me.  What a gentleman!
  • Keegan asked me five times today if I would go on a date with him.  I finally said yes.  Daddy was not happy when Mommy told him after we got home this afternoon.  He told me I was too young to date. 
  • We had a busy evening, taking Mommy to Carol's for her class, running errands, going to the church to eat spaghetti and help clean up, then going to Ms. Sierra's house while Mommy had class and Daddy had play practice. 
  • Once I got home, it was time to get ready for bed.  While getting ready, I found an old book on my book shelf called Mountains and Earth Movement.  It is so old that Mommy had bought it from the library in Morgantown back when she was a student and they were getting rid of it.  I told Mommy it was so pretty and it was my favorite.  She was very impressed when I pointed to a picture of the Earth on the inside of the book and said, "Look Mommy!  A planet!"  Mommy then proceeded to give me a lesson on the Earth and why we see the colors we do and why the mountains are there and blah, blah, blah.  I didn't need a science lesson just wanted to see pretty pictures.
  • I fell asleep quickly since it has been such a busy and exciting day!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23, 2013

Alyson's Most Memorable Events of the Day:

  • I got to wear my new pink sparkly shoes to Ms. Cheri's today. She loved them as much as I do! 
  • I took my Hello Kitty sleeping bag today to trade with my lady bug one.  I love it!
  • I ate all of my pasta for lunch today.  It was so yummy!
  • Mommy had a meeting, so Daddy picked me up in the church van a little later than Mommy usually does. I love riding in the church van! 
  • Once we got home and ate dinner, I played with my puzzle, colored and put stickers on my paper, put a sticker on my belly then put it on Mommy's belly, and even watched an episode of Curious George and ate a bowl of pears. 
  • Carol and Chip came over and we walked (and rode my scooter) to Ms. Brittny's new house.  It was so much fun.  An empty house is so much more fun to run in than one with furniture in it.  It was also fun since I had Jillian running around with me and playing with me.  I even practiced my cartwheels with Jillian.  Mommy just realized today that I wasn't trying to do a "flip" yesterday, I was trying to do a cartwheel.  I was much better at it today!
  • I got in trouble for wanting to do my own thing, mainly running ahead and not going where Mommy wanted me to go. 
  • When we got home it was time for bed.  I was still a little hyper from playing and had a hard time calming down.  I still wasn't listening very well, so Mommy got frustrated with me.   I know she was sad that I wasn't listening like a big girl.  I said, "I'm sorry Mommy."  We cuddled a couple of minutes and looked out the window at the moon before falling asleep.