Monday, December 31, 2012

December 31, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day:

Got up while grandma was getting ready for work around 7:15. I got in bed with grandpa and played for about an hour in the bed and then went back to sleep until 9:00. I played a while longer with grandpa's watch before getting up.

Had 4 mini waffles and then played with my toys

Had a bologna sandwich and applesauce for lunch, played, and then took a nap for less than an hour.

Was very energetic when grandma got home. Played for a while before dinner. Had three cheese, chicken, pasta for dinner and grapes for dessert.

Played more after dinner, got on PJs, did medicine, and talked to "mommy/daddy".

Went to bed with a little fussing. Was very, very tired.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 30, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day:

Woke up around 8:00 but went back to sleep until a little after 9:00.

Had 8 mini waffles and said more so I ate 4 more with dip.

Played with my toys until Lunch time. Had a little bit of pizza and then 1/2 bologna sandwich. Afterwards I had some peaches.

After lunch I had a 1 1/2 hour nap and then woke up to play some more.

While I was playing David called and asked if we wanted to meet for dinner. We met at Cozumel and saw David, Andi, Christian, Bruce, Sharon, and Samantha.

I had a cheese quesadilla and French fries. After everyone ate I played with Samantha and Christian until we left.

Once we got home I put on my "heels" and played. I gathered all my babies from the bed and we all cuddled with grandma. Talked to mommy and daddy on the phone.

Once I got off the phone I did my medicine and then went to bed.

Just a little fussy before going to sleep.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

December 29, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day:

Got up at 8:25 when a train went by but went back to sleep until 9:40 when I got up asking for grandma. Grandpa put me in his and grandma's bed but I was ready to get up.

I had 8 waffles and dip for breakfast and then had peaches.

I played with my toys until lunch time. I had left over spaghetti for lunch and then had a cookie.

Took about a 1 1/2 hour nap and woke up to watch the mountaineers play. No matter how much we cheered they just couldn't win.

Played and read until supper time. Had vegetable soup and then had peaches.

We played for about an hour with the dinosaurs. Also talked to mommy and then talked to mommy and daddy.

I know they are in California.

Played with groceries for a long time with grandma and Lucy after having a snack of tortilla chips.

(Thanks to grandma for sending mommy updates so she can continue the blog from California. Formatting is still off due to posting from her phone, but she promises to make it look nicer after returning to WV).

Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day:

Got up around 7:15 and got in bed grandpa. More interested in playing than sleeping so grandpa got up with me.

Had 8 mini waffles and dip for breakfast.

Played with my toys until lunch. Had a bologna sandwich that I sat down on the couch and Lucy helped me with the last little bit. Also had a couple cookies.

Took a 2 hour nap.

Had some gummy fruit and choc milk during the afternoon.

Played with my toys.

After grandma got home we went to Grazianos for dinner. Read my George book while waiting for my food. I had almost the whole bowl of spaghetti.

After we got home I played with grandma's phone, did my medicine, and played with my sticker book until bedtime.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day:

I woke up about 7:30, called for grandpa but went back to sleep until 8:15

Had 8 mini waffles and dip for breakfast.

Played with my new toys until grandpa got me dressed in my pink shirt and pink striped bibs.

I went to the doctor with grandpa and held the coats while grandpa got his stitches out. Doctor gave me some stickers since I was good.

Grandpa brought me to grandma's work. She showed me off. I talked, sang, and played ring around the rosie.

The three of us went to Wendy's and I had chicken nuggets, fries, and chocolate milk. All was good until the milk spilled all down my shirt and bibs.

Grandma cleaned it up and then we dropped grandma off at work and grandpa and I came home.

I fell asleep about the time grandpa got off the interstate. I got changed and then laid down and took about an hour nap.

I played and had gummy fruit snacks until grandma got home.

After grandma got home I had BBQ chicken, chips, and applesauce for dinner. Then we played until medicine and bedtime.

Went to sleep after a little fussing.

(Information from grandma, put in blog by Mommy with her phone. Will be formatted later.)

December 26, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day:

I woke up at about 7:15 and after saying good morning and goodbye to Grandma before she left for work, I hurried into bed with Mommy and Daddy and slept until after 8:00.

I ate breakfast with Daddy then played with Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa, and Lucy.

Mommy and Daddy left close to 11:00 and before they left, I put my shoes on, grabbed my sticker book and said "I take my sticker book." Mommy was worried I would get upset when she and Daddy left, but I just have them big hugs and kisses and said bye-bye.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with Grandpa and the rest of the evening with Grandma and Grandpa. I even got yummy pudding for dessert. YUM!

(Mommy typed this on her phone while at the Los Angeles Airport so it will be formatted later).

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

December 25, 2012- Merry Christmas!

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day

  • Woke up at 7:30 this morning.  I kept looking for Santa, but couldn't find him.  I was excited that he left me a few things.  I had books, a Curious George monkey, and some candy from Santa.  I was so excited!
  • I was excited to open my presents.  I had so many!  I got some great things:  a puppy, a baby doll with stroller, some princess shoes and accessories, lots of little toys, a bear in a backpack, puzzles, another small puppy in a carrier.  I had so much fun opening each present and immediately wanted to play with each one.
  • I spent most of the afternoon and evening playing with my new toys.  I took a break to play Grandpa's drums with Daddy before going back to playing with more toys after dinner. 
  • We Skyped with my cousins Sherry, Jeff, and Jimmy.  It was so fun to talk to them.
  • Throughout the day, I kept saying, "Santa, Santa, Ho! Ho! Ho!"  Mommy thought I was too cute!
  • It was a busy day, but was very fun.
  • I asked when Santa was coming... Mommy think I'm a little confused, but I'll get it figured out.'