Saturday, September 30, 2017

September 30, 2017

Memories from Today:

Slept great it bed with Mommy!  Her bed is so comfy!  She wanted to sleep a little bit longer,  so I gave her 25 minutes more to sleep... and only talked to her about 10 times during that time.

Mommy fixed me oatmeal and I got to watch a little tv.  Nearly an hour later I was ready for lunch.

I made plans (included everything we needed in a folder) for my neighbor friend and I in case she got to play with me.  I made a paper bag puppets as an example for us to make.  I also made "cards" that we could draw from that had things for us to do like "play outside," "play a game," "play with a toy," or "you pick."  I was disappointed when she wasn't home to play.

Mommy had to work the dance at her school and Daddy had to run tech for a play so I spent the evening and night with Ms. Kelly and her family.  I picked out my Hello Kitty nightgown since I knew Emily would be jealous. 

Friday, September 29, 2017

September 29, 2017

Memories from Today:

Mommy and I slept in a tiny bit this morning. I still got to school before I needed to. Mommy still seems like she wasn't feeling so great.

We had a substitute teacher today. She was nice.

Today was the homecoming parade for mommy's school. I rode my scooter with the STEAM Academy and with my friend Lily. Lily was dressed as Doc McStuffins and I dressed like a butterfly. Lots of people complimented me on how beautiful my butterfly was. When they gave me a compliment I lifted up one of my wings.  I did have a little tumble off my scooter before the parade started... luckily I have a hard head!

Spent some time at home with Daddy while Mommy worked the game tonight. 

Right before bedtime I started coughing.   Daddy gave me lots of meds and then I asked to sleep with Mommy tonight.  Daddy agreed to sleep on the couch.   Mommy thinks he is just avoiding our germs!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up this morning and immediately woke up Mommy, saying "it's a school day why are we still sleeping?" I was surprised when Mommy said she was sick. I felt bad because I feel like I got her sick. I helped Mommy get dressed and ready to take me to school.  While she was getting ready, I played with Snapchat for a few minutes.

School was fun today other than the fact that I didn't get my normal morning time with Mrs. Clark. I ended the day on purple.

I spent the evening playing with my neighbor friend. We played at her house, outside, and I even ate dinner with her and her family. Mommy was very thankful that I had someone to spend time with so she could rest.

Before bed, I had Mommy help me make an "Apple-tini Punishment List". She keeps getting into trouble and I feel like she needs some time outs. So I had mommy write the things that she does and how many minutes she should spend in the bathroom. I told Mommy that tomorrow we should make a chore list for me so I can get some money for doing chores like my friend in my class at school.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017

Memories from Today:

What a rough morning!  So sleepy!  Finally got dressed and ready for school after much coercing from Mommy.  At least I had my Shopkins blanket in the car so I could get comfy and rest on the way to school.

School was fun and I got caught up on what I missed being out sick yesterday.  I told my friends about seeing Katy Perry and even showed some of them my Katy Perry light-up necklace.  I think they may have been jealous!

After school, I got a little time with "duck lady" and even got to visit with Lily and Addy too!

Mommy led the meeting tonight at church.  She had the ladies complete a STEM challenge to use the given materials to build a roller coaster track in 30 minutes.  The roller coaster "car" was either a marble or ping pong ball.  I decided to quit playing with the kids in order to do the STEM challenge.  I had the help of a little boy that was there.  I decided to make a ferris wheel instead of a roller coaster.  Mommy appreciated my creativity even thought it didn't exactly move.

I got very upset when Mommy was cleaning up and threw away my design.  My comment to her was, "You didn't even get a picture!" Thank goodness Ms. Tracey got a picture before Mommy messed it up!

I got home just in time for a few minutes of night scooting with my tiniest neighbor friend.  He loves to walk with his walker while I ride my scooter with him.  I'm a great friend to him, even when he pulls my hair.

I cuddled in bed with Mommy and fell asleep while waiting for Daddy to get home from practice.  I even drew him a drawing/note of how many stuffies were in the bed with me.  I told Mommy that every time he moves me to my bed, I lose an animal and I didn't want to lose any of these.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September 26, 2017

Memories from Today:

After a few hours of sleep, I woke up throwing up.  I guess that explains why I had complained about an upset tummy a few times earlier in the evening.  I fell back asleep with Mommy in her bed since my bed was kinda a mess.  I woke up again close to 6:00 puking again.  At least the trash can was nearby.  Was kind of upset that I was going to have to miss school, but didn't want to get my classmates sick.  I fell back asleep until 8:30 and then after going to the bathroom and looking at Mommy's phone for a few minutes I was too tired to stay awake.  I slept until nearly 10:30.

Grandma and Grandpa left.  I was surprised that they still wanted to hug me to say goodbye since I was sick.  I offered them an air hug, but they wanted the real thing.

I loved some quality time with Mommy today.  We rested on the couch most of the day.  Apple, Cameron, and Gemma even joined us for some cuddles.  I got a gift in the mail from cousin Sherry.  She sent a beautiful dress, two puzzles (550 pieces each!) and a card with money!  It was awesome!  Mommy and I even put together the border of the first puzzle before she had to go to work for the evening parent conferences at her school.

I finally ate a little pasta this evening after not eating really anything all day.  It made me feel much better to have a little food in my belly.

Mommy got home just in time to give me a hug and kiss before bed.

Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25, 2017

Memories from Today:

So so tired this morning! Was a little later than normal getting to Mrs. Clark's room.

Grandma and Grandpa joined me for lunch at school today! Yea! We had to spend most of lunch being quiet since so many other kids kept talking.

During computer class, we played math activities on the computer. I told Mommy they weren't really games, just "math stuff."

Mommy picked me up a little early for school and after picking up grandma, we headed toward DC for the Katy Perry concert. 

I was so excited to see Chinatown so we stopped there first and had dinner before heading into the concert. We thought it started at 7 and it didn't start until 8. Katy Perry didn't start until 9. I did pretty well during the concert ... keeping my headphones on most of the time to quiet the loudness. I did get excited by the dancing, props, and acrobatics. It was a long and tiring day. I got sleepy and lots of songs I had not heard, so I was ready to go a little before the concert ended. I danced out the door and the security workers love it!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 24, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up bright-eyed this morning, ready to go to church early with Daddy.  I even picked a super cute outfit to wear.  Mommy and Grandma joined us later.

After church, we met our friend, Dave, for lunch at Las Trancas.  I was not excited to go there and was disappointed that they did not have the pasta I wanted,  but they made up for it with some fried ice cream.  Then, they came out to sing Happy Birthday and put a spoon of whipped cream on my nose. I didnt know what to do!

After some resting at home, Mommy and I walked with Grandma and Grandpa to a couple of geocaches.  We had a lot of fun and I even figured one out on my own!

Ate left over pasta (still have LOTS from the party) then got showered and ready for bed. Hugged nearly all the animals before bed.

Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day!!!  I can't wait!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

September 23, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up excited that today was the day of my birthday party! 

Picked out my new bike at Wal-Mart (thanks grandma and grandpa!).  I love it!

Had a ball at my party!  Lots of friends stopped by.  We had such yummy food (Thanka grandma).  The piñata was a big hit!  I got gifts that were amazing!

Tomorrow is church day!

Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22, 2017

Memories from Today:

Friday!!! Woohoo!  Was excited to get out of school to see Grandma and Grandpa!  

After dinner,  we headed to the football game.   In of my best friends from last years class was there.  We spent the entire game together. I shared one of my pom-poms with her and one of the nice ladies sitting next to us gave us each a cheerleader hair bow.  I loved doing my own "routines"  (throwing my pom - pom in the air and passing them under my leg,

Tomorrow's my party!  I can't wait!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

September 21, 2017

Memories from Today:

I felt super cute in my bumblebee skirt for bee day. It wasn't really a skirt, it was a dress from when I was smaller, so I felt like I had a secret all day.

School was fun. We had art class and I had a great time playing with my friends at recess. After school I played with some friends at Mommy's school before getting a quick bite of dinner and heading back to my school for a special anti-bullying night.  Everything was bug related. We dug through the dirt and found our own plastic bugs. We also made beaded lightning bugs that had glow in the dark tales and made caterpillars from Cheerios and pipe cleaners. We also got to eat sweets and posed for pictures with the cardboard cutouts of a caterpillar and butterfly. The best part was getting to hang out with my friends. Mommy thought it was super sweet that one of my classmates came over and asked me to help him peel the paper off of the googly eyes. She especially thought it was sweet when she saw his mommy just sitting there while he had come to ask me to help him. Mommy thinks I might be a big helper for him and other kids in my class.

We stopped by Mommy's school garden and picked a few cherry/grape tomatoes for me to bring home for a bedtime snack. It's amazing how many there are! We got home just in time for a shower, medicine, a bedtime snack, and bed. I can't wait to see Grandma and Grandpa tomorrow after school!