Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 30, 2015

Highlights of the Day:
  • Mommy, Daddy, and I went to the movies after breakfast.  We went to see Paddington.  Mommy and I had seen it before but Daddy hadn't seen it.  Daddy loved the pigeons!
  • After a PB&J sandwich at home for lunch, Daddy tried to get me to take a nap, but I wanted to talk too much.  Later in the day, Mommy tried taking a nap on the couch and I kept talking to her too. 
  • Daddy grilled hot dogs on the grill.  I ate a full hot dog all by myself (with a bun and ketchup) and then asked for more. 
  • We went to Brother's Pizza for trivia, but Lucy wasn't there so I got a little bored.  I missed her!  I still entertained myself by running around, visiting others, and playing on the iPad.
  • Back at home, I spent a few minutes catching lightning bugs, riding my scooter, and checking out the grasshoppers and baby praying mantises in front of the house. 
  • We spent several minutes sitting on the couch with the curtains open watching the lightning outside.  God gave us such a beautiful light show tonight!  I told Mommy, "I'm giving God a hug" (while having my arms out in front of me making a circle).  She thought it was sweet.

Monday, June 29, 2015

June 29, 2015

Highlights of the Day:

  • Went to Lowes with Daddy while Mommy was at work.  I was a big helper. 
  • Daddy and I worked in the front yard weeding.  I collected seed pods from the wisteria and counted them.  
  • Counted my Chuck-E-Cheese tokens that were on the table from our last trip there.  I told Daddy there were 38 tokens.  He had me count outloud to check and I was right!  He seemed proud and excited.  
  • After my nap, mommy was home and we went to the gym.  I had so much fun playing while Mommy worked out.  I even got to play with my friend from school that was there.  I have missed him.  He must have missed me too since he gave me a big hug when I left.
  • Went to Chick-fil-A for dinner and got to play a long time.  All the girls in there were having fun screaming while playing.
  • Went for a bike ride around several blocks.  I'm getting much better on my bike.  I'm also getting bigger... Daddy had to raise my seat a little higher.  


Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 28, 2015

Highlights of the Day:

  • Got up and took a bath.  I blew bubbles and played "bubblebeard." 
  • I put on a pretty pink and purple sparkly dress to go to church.  I played with Tori at church and ate some watermelon.
  • Went to Panera with Daddy after lunch... YUM!
  • I spent the afternoon with Ms. Sierra.  We went for a walk and even got to walk with Tori and her friend.  I got so tired that I took a two hour nap!
  • Mommy picked me up and took me to meet Daddy for dinner.  We ate a Buffalo Wild Wings and I got to play the claw machine. 
  • On the way home I told Mommy, "When I grow up I want to be a cowgirl."  When she asked why I told her that I wanted to ride horses.  I want my own barn and horses.  I would name my horse "SparkleDust" and it would be brown or silver.  I told Mommy I would have other farm animals like cows.  She asked if I would have goats for her and I said yes and that I would even let her come visit. 
  • We spent the evening relaxing at home watching Curious George 3 again. 
  • I'm so happy to have both Mommy and Daddy home!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

June 27, 2015

Highlights of the Day:

  • Daddy came home today. I was excited to see him, but not that excited. Mommy left right after he came home. Then, daddy took a nap on the couch while we were watching the new Curious George movie.
  • After the movie, I helped daddy with some housework. We hung up clothes together! I also played hide and go seek with Gemma. She's really good at hiding.
  • Daddy and I went to the store with one of his friends, Stephanie. She brought two of her children with her, including a five year old girl. I talked with them the entire time like we had been friends our entire lives. I even tried to give away all of my belongings to her that have been stashed in the car. (pencils, Olaf water bottle, etc.)
  • We ate spaghetti for dinner. I helped break the pasta and throw it in the water. I wasn't a big fan since the steam was hot, but I wanted to try it anyway. While daddy was cooking, I practiced balancing and jumping for the circus.
  • I bought a new tube of toothpaste at the store. I got very excited when I opened the box. It is a big tube like mommy and daddy use. I told daddy that I needed a big tube because I'm a big girl.

Friday, June 26, 2015

June 26, 2015

Highlights of the Day:
  • Woke up too early and cuddled with Mommy in bed for a few more minutes of rest... at least that was the plan until they started banging loudly, working across the street from the house.
  • Mommy seemed very interested in the news this morning... something special must have happened in our country though I don't really know what.
  • Got dressed and ready and went to Winchester to meet Gabriel and his Mommy. 
  • We walked to a great pizza place for lunch.  Gabriel and I even had our own mini dance party while we ate outside at the restaurant. 
  • We walked to the museum and it was so much fun!  There were so many things to play with.  We built, climbed through the digestive system (Mommy thought it was super funny though I'm not sure why).  We also got to get in an ambulance, dance, "listen" to our heartbeat with a drum, and so many more cool things. 
  • After finishing the museum, we walked to get ice cream.  It was a long walk and we were so tired.
  • On the way back to the car, Gabriel and I played in the fountain.  We weren't prepared with towels or a change of clothes, so I stripped down and wore Mommy's sweatshirt that she had in the car until we got home.
  • After a nap at home (with Mommy), we went to Ms. Sierra's house for the evening.  They took me to dollar tree and I even got some new cool things (a Frozen water bottle, gummies, and a tea party set... Thanks Ms. Sierra!). 
  • Such a great day today!  I'm exhausted and can't wait for sleep!