Saturday, March 31, 2018

March 31, 2018

Memories from Today:

Slept in a little bit this morning then got up and had breakfast with Daddy. We let Mommy sleep in a little bit.

Once Mommy woke up, it was nearly time for her to leave. She had to work the baseball games for her school today. While Mommy worked, Daddy and I went bike riding. Daddy had hoped to ride with me, but his tire busted before he could ride. He walked while I rode and it was a lot of fun.

Once Mommy got home, Daddy fixed dinner and we all ate together. Daddy and I practiced the ukulele.  Mommy and Daddy are both very impressed with how quickly I am learning to play!

Mommy and I did a little bit of shopping and even got stuff for Daddy's Easter basket. I'm very excited for Easter tomorrow, but I know we might be tricked a little since tomorrow is not just Easter but is also April Fool's Day.

Note from Mommy:  I can't wait to see Alyson's expression when she sees her Easter basket. The "Easter Bunny" is going to make her work to find her real basket.

Friday, March 30, 2018

March 30, 2018

Alyson's Exciting Day

·I woke daddy up around 8:30 this morning. He fixed me some Wafflers and French toast sticks for breakfast. Then I watched a few episodes of My Little Pony before I woke up mommy.

·Mommy and I did some shopping this afternoon and ate lunch at Chik-Fil-A. We found some shoes for my Easter Dress and got some vinegar for Easter Eggs. We made two types of eggs when we got home. One kind looked like a volcano. We even mixed different colors.

·Daddy and I had stuffed shells for dinner. They were delicious. Then we played some Lego Pirates of the Caribbean before I took a shower. Afterwards, daddy read me some more Harry Potter.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

March 29. 2018

Memories from Today:

So tired this morning!  Glad it was our "Friday."

Today at school we did a STEM challenge with another 1st grade class.   We had blocks, a foam cup, pipe cleaners,  and peeps.  The task was to see how many peeps would fit in/around the "nest" on top of the blocks.  I told Mommy that my group kinda cheated... we stabbed the cup and peeps but got eight peeps to stay! 

Daddy brought me home after school.  We all had dinner together before Daddy left for play practice. I watched a little tv while Mommy rested and then she and I played my new Lego Pirates of the Caribbean video game.  I tried teaching and helping Mommy as much as I could!

So happy to have a long weekend even if we don't have our full Spring Break!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 28, 2018

Memories from Today:

Didn't like the clothes Mommy haf laid out for me, so had to pick out a new outfit.

School was great!  Finished my testing with thr nice lady that let me play with blocks yesterday. I once again told Mommy that everything started easy and then got hard.

After school, I worked on my homework and then helped Mrs. Clark with her classroom door. I'm a big helper sometimes!

Got to visit a few people at Mommy's school then headed home for dinner. 

I got two deliveries today... the ukulele Daddy ordered for me to learn and an Easter box from cousin Sherry. I loved the bunnies and emoji socks!!!

I took candy, a few stuffies, and a couple toys to church thus evening. It was fun!

Tomorrow is our Friday for the week!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 27, 2018

Memories from Today:

Woke up, got dressed, and quickly realized that my t-shirt was too small for me. Daddy found me back up shirt and I finished getting ready for school. Mommy had to leave early since today was a testing day so I road to school with Dad.

School was great! I had gym class today and got to spend time with my friends. Mommy found out during the day today that my picture I was on the school web page for last Friday's Jump Rope for Heart event. How exciting!

Daddy pick me up from school today. We went home fixed white sauce and pasta for dinner and then went to church. At church we made an Easter craft and it was a lot of fun.

Only two more days of school until are four day weekend that was supposed to be spring break. At least we got a long weekend!

Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018

Memories from Today:

I decided to show off my brand new boots at school today. I think Mrs. Clark really liked them. I also wore my new locket necklace and one of my friends really liked it and asked where I got it. I told. I told her that I got it at Justice in Hagerstown.  I then got in trouble for talking in class. When I told Mommy about this, I told her I was sleepy which made me loopy, so I had a hard time not talking. I still ended the day on blue which is pretty good considering I was so loopy.

After school, Daddy picked me up since Mommy had an appointment. We came home for a bit and then headed to the church to help Daddy set up for his meeting. Mommy met us there and brought us dinner.

Mommy and I ran a few errands and tried to find some dress shoes to go with my Easter dress. The pair I had wanted from the consignment shop sold just before mama got there this afternoon. We looked at Target, but my feet are kind of an in-between size for the shoes there. We did manage to find a pink sweater that matches my dress perfectly and we found headbands too.  I guess we'll have to keep looking for the shoes.

I talked Mommy into stopping by the park to look for painted rocks right before it got dark. We managed to do a loop around the park, but found no rocks. We did find a dollar bill hooked through the fence with a nice note on it. Mommy and I have started talking about what to do with the dollar to pay it forward, but haven't made any decisions yet. It sure was a nice surprise!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 25, 2018

Memories from Today:

I decided to wear a super cute outfit to church this morning. I wore my new vest and new boots and I had gotten at the consignment store yesterday. I even added my JoJo bow to the back of my hair all by myself.

I got to help take up the offering and had fun in my junior soldier class.

After church, Daddy drove Mommy and I to Hagerstown where we ate lunch at Noodles & Company and went shopping at the mall. I found another pair of brown boots that I absolutely loved and had to have. Mommy thought they looked great, especially with the outfit I was wearing so I wore them the rest of the day.

Mommy and I stopped at Aldi to do a little grocery shopping and I found a painted rock outside. It was by the same group that we painted rocks with yesterday.

After we got home, Daddy and I played one of the new video games we bought today. It was fun but I still have a lot to learn.

I did a little cleaning I got way too silly before bedtime. Daddy says that teeny is the cat version of me, wild! We were both a little wild this evening.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 24, 2018

Memories from Today:

After another late night,  I enjoyed sleeping in until close to 10:00. 

Today was a Mommy-Daughter day while Daddy was visiting DC for the day. 

We went to the local kids consignment shop to paint rocks with "EPWV Rocks."  Most od the rocks I have found around town were painted by them. Mommy and I each painted a rock and then donated it back to the group for the upcoming painted rock hunt in two weeks.  I can't wait!  We also did a little shopping while we were there... I got two new pairs of shoes including one pair of heeled short boots that were super cute.  I also got a few pairs of shorts, skirt, dress, and even some heelie wheels that hook to your shoes. 

Next, Mommy and I went to Chuck-E-Cheese.  Together, we won over 1800 tickets, over 300 of which I won the first game I played!!!  I spent less than 200 tickets on a big lollipop and decided to save the rest for next time since there was such a big crowd and I was feeling rushed.

We went to Cici's for dinner and even got some cinnamon rolls for tomorrow's breakfast! 

A quick stop at the mall allowed me to find my Easter Dress.  It's a little darker than normal,  but I loved it!

We stopped by toys r us to see weekday kind of sales they had,  but Mommy want impressed.

Our final stop before home was Target.  I wanted my picture taken with the target dog, but Mommy's phone was dead.   Boo!

I loved every minute of the day,  except maybe the few right before bed when we were chasing Tini around the yard with a flashlight after she ran out the door as we let Indy inside.  It's amazing how hard it can be to find a black cat in the dark!  She's a handful, but I love her!

Friday, March 23, 2018

March 23, 2018

Alyson's Exciting Day

·Appreciated sleeping in since we had a two hour delay, but I still got up early enough to take a shower before school. Daddy took me since mommy was already there. I wore my Jump Rope For Heart shirt and got to pie a teacher at school because I raised so much money.

·Daddy picked me up from school and we went to get the oil changed in his truck. It was boring! But then, when we got home, I watered my seeds and swept the floors before I rolled the crescent rolls for dinner. We had spaghetti and I got two dollars for doing chores.

·Mommy got a few gifts from one of her Chinese friends, including a beautiful scarf. I practiced modeling it.

·After dinner, mommy and I went back to school for Book Bingo. I won three books! I traded one back and got a book my friend wanted. I gave her that book and then was allowed to pick one more for myself. We had so much fun.

·I spent the evening with Ms. Kelly and Ms. Emily so mommy and daddy could watch the basketball game.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

March 22, 2018

Memories from Today:

Yet another snow day today... that makes three in a row!

Daddy and I watched Ferdinand this morning.  I spent the afternoon running errands with Daddy while Mommy went to her school to do some work.

She got home just in time to find me planting some of my vegetable seeds.  I love seed starting... mommy and I are both hoping to actually get beyond the beginning stages of a garden this year! 

I spent just a few minutes outside with my neighbor friend and some other boys.  The boys he was with were very rude and Daddy ended up running them off and making me come inside. Those boys made me mad!

Daddy had rehearsal, so Mommy took me to Chick-fil-a for dinner and some socialization in the play area.  It was fun!

After a stop at the grocery store, we headed home, popped some popcorn, and watched the movie,  Wonder.  It was awesome! 

I'm so thankful for a two-hour delay tomorrow since our movie night ran late.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21, 2018

Memories from Today:

Another snow day!  Woke up to lots more snow outside!  Daddy and I measured 10 inches when we went outside before noon and it was still snowing!

Ate lunch and I let Mommy and Daddy both do a little work while I entertained myself for a bit.  Afterwards, we all three went sledding!  It was a blast!  I enjoyed being there with other kids from around town. After many trips down the hill, we headed home for dinner, but not before stopping by Redbox to get a few movies.

Back at home, we ate dinner while watching Jumanji. ThenI pkayed an episode of the video game with Daddy then played "suspect" again with Mommy before bed.

Yet another snow day tomorrow! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 20, 2018

Memories from Today:

This morning was strange.  We woke up, got dressed and when ready for school, found out school was cancelled.  The announcement was so much later than normal!  Her school was supposed to start less than an hour after the announcement.

Mommy went back to bed,  so Daddy and I watched my Just Add Magic show and played video games. 

We spent the day relaxing, building a fort in my room, playing detective and trying to capture "suspects" (Daddy and Indy). I hid balls for us to find and even got to spend some time playing outside in the snow!  I also spent 30 minutes reading in my bedroom.  I'll have to remember to add that time to my reading contest bookmark.

I did have some disappointment though... today was the first day of spring which is Dairy Queen's free cone day... Mommy drove me through the snow to get our free cones,  but they were closed because of the snow.   I was so sad!

No school tomorrow! We are supposed to get quite a bit more snow tonight.  Mommy says we might even get to go sledding tomorrow.   I sure hope so!!!

Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19, 2018

Memories from Today:

Happy Monday!  Had a great say at school.  I got to try my engineering skills in Mrs. Clark's classroom before school. 

After school, I helped Mommy organize some of her papers. I also helped her hole-punch some papers too. While waiting for Mommy to finish her work, I entertained myself by watching the video cameras at the school.  I mostly watched Mommy walking around the office.

Mommy and I picked up a pizza and met Daddy at the park for a picnic.  The weather was great!  I can't believe it is supposed to snow tomorrow.  Daddy had play practice, so Mommy and I spent another hour and a half at the park. I rode my bike, hid painted rocks, found rocks, played with friends,  and invited myself to help a small group of girl scouts who were completing a scavenger hunt. At dusk, we headed home.

At home, I made cookies with Mommy and then opened my own store in the kitchen. We enjoyed cookies and hot cocoa. 

It was strange enjoying such great weather followed by hot cocoa, knowing spring starts tomorrow and it is supposed to pour the snow!