Monday, August 22, 2016

August 22, 2016

Most Memorable Events of the Day:

Was such a helpful girl this morning getting dressed and ready for school.  I spent a little time in her office before I went to my school.

Mommy walked me to my school.  While waiting to get in the door I noticed that all of the Mommys and Daddys were leaving their kids at the door.  I asked if Mommy was going to leave me there and when she said yes, I said "okay."  Once they marked that I was a parent pickup, I walked straight in and didn't even look back at Mommy... no hug or anything. 

Mommy picked me up from school and I couldn't wait to tell her about my day... "GREAT!" was my response when she asked how my day was. I got to play outside and inside and learn how gym class would work.  I made a handprint poem for Mommy and Daddy for them to look at when they miss me while I'm at school.  I told Mommy all about my new friends... when she asked if I thought I would have any good friends, I said all of them... my whole class!  I ended the day on "blue" (behavior... blue is above green!) which made Mommy very happy! 

Mommy and I walked back to her school.  On the way back, she had me stop for a picture in front of her school... I think she thinks it will be a great picture if I go to her high school when I get older.   At the high school I played with a few kids whose mom is a teacher at Mommy's school.  It was so much fun!

On the way home, I decided I wanted to call people, so I called Sierra and Ms. Kelly.  At home I called Grandma and Grandpa.  I had to tell everyone how great my day was. 

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