Tuesday, February 6, 2018

February 6, 2018

Memories from Today:

Excited to go to school today, but was confused it wasn't Monday!  I was upset that I missed computer class yesterday due to our snowday.

We got our Interim reports today and Mommy was super proud of me.  All As, Os, and Ss!  She also really loved my essay about the moon! 

After school, Mrs. Clark took me to meet Daddy at the middle school where he was having Wyldlife. I couldn't wait to go and play and help Daddy.

After Wyldlife, Daddy was bringing me to Mommy when we noticed she was standing by the road near my school.  She was standing with a teacher who had got into a car accident.  Mommy and Daddy helped direct traffic while we waited for the tow trucks.  It felt nice for us to help, but it got a little cold.

Daddy went to the theater tonight,  so Mommy and I spent the evening playing a few games. We stacked cups,  Mommy taught me to do the cup routine, and we played a made up game called "Ghosts and Gobbins" (Mommy thinks I meant to say goblins,  but thinks gobbins is cute too.  In that game,  we turned off all of the lights and basically played hide and seek but we used headlamps to find one another.  We ended the night watching the movie, Help, I Shrunk My Family.  It is a foreign movie slightly similar to Honey I Shrunk The Kids.  It was a great movie!

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