Saturday, December 16, 2017

December 16, 2017

Memories from Today:

Woke up this morning and ate breakfast. I decided after being awake for a little while to go ahead and wake up Mommy. While she was waking up, I decided to download a few new games on her phone.

We stopped at McDonald's and mommy and I each had a Happy Meal. We each got different train pieces, one I already had at home. There was a little girl at a table near us that did not get a Happy Meal, so I took her my toy so she would get one. She was so happy and so adorable.

We met dad at Walmart wear he was ringing bells for the Salvation Army. I spent a little time ringing the bell with him and couldn't control myself and ended up doing some dancing too.

We went to the new theater building in Hagerstown. Since I had been there before and mommy had not, I volunteered to give her the tour. We worked together to remove the cords from the sound system on the stage. After helping Daddy for a little bit, Mommy and I did a little Christmas shopping. I even got to ride one of the toy elephants while at the mall.  I was riding near another little girl when her animal shut off. I had the idea to push her with my elephant back to wear it needed to be returned. Her mommy was very thankful.

I was a big girl while mommy was visiting MedExpress. I'm used to being the patient, so for once it was nice to not be the patient. Mommy was proud of me for being understanding. I did spend some time taking some Snapchat pictures  and also  pretended to be Mommy's doctor.  At one point I even held up my  ball and said it represented the germ Mommy had. After getting Mommy's medicine at the pharmacy, we picked out a Redbox movie, stopped and got me a milkshake, and headed home to relax and watch our movie.

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