Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day:
  • I woke up at 5:30 this morning, but went back to sleep until Mommy made me get up at 6:30 to get ready.
  • I was so happy to go back to Ms. Cheri's today.  I missed Keegan and Annie last Friday.
  • Ms. Cheri said that Keegan gave me lots of hugs today, so he must have missed me too!
  • I ended up with a scratch on my cheek today...  Ms. Cheri and Mommy think it may have been the "Moo cow" toy that I play with at Ms. Cheri's.  I hope that I see my "Moo cow" friend again and that it doesn't disappear like my bus did.
  • Speaking of buses.  I got home today to find a brand new bus toy at the house.  Daddy bought it for me (Mommy suggested it last week).  It is so cool.  It has a bus driver and four student passengers.  If you push the bus driver down in his seat, the bus lights come on and the engine roars.  After a few seconds on the engine roaring, the bus drives itself away.  I was a little scared the first few times it did this, but then thought it was fun!  I love my new toy!  I may have to take it to Ms. Cheri's to show it off tomorrow!
  • I love reading my sounds book and making the sounds that go with some of the pages... I got shy once the video camera was rolling, but still had fun "reading" with Daddy and "petting" the pages and being silly.



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