Saturday, October 8, 2016

October 8, 2016

Most Memorable Events of the Day:

Had a nightmare about 3:00 this morning and ended up in bed with Mommy until I woke up at 8:15.  Daddy and I played for a while to let Mommy sleep in a little bit.

Mommy took me to Chick-fil-A where we ate lunch and I played in the play area. I made new friends and the three of us even sat at a separate table while we ate our ice cream. 

Mommy and I shopped at Michaels and she bought me Stikbots which thrilled me.  We had to go straight home so I could play with them.  Mommy helped me figure out the app and by the evening, I was making my very own stop-motion animation videos, showing my stickbots dancing, swimming, and doing cartwheels.  I was super proud of myself! 

At one point today, I really upset Mommy which upset me too.  I wrote her a card with a heart and "love" to say I was sorry.  I also told Mommy that I didn't have a voice for a little while, so she had to read my lips or translate my pictures to figure out what I was saying. 

The evening I spent with Daddy while Mommy had her Homecoming Dance.

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