Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 20, 2016

Most Memorable Events of the Day:

  • Wore a very cute dress today since Mommy was going to pick me up in time for the Sock Hop so I had to look cute!
  • At school, we learned more about the Earth and how to protect it since Earth Day is this week.  We learned how the recycling center works, used old newspapers to find letters, and checked on the grass we are growing.  Tomorrow we will reuse water bottles to make bubble blowers. 
  • Mommy picked me up from school and we went straight to the Be-Hive for the Sock Hop.  Gabriel and his family were already there.  We danced, played games, and even got to visit with the resident dog.  It was so much fun!  Mommy thought it was cute that we held hands at one point and held each others arms some when dancing together.  We were surprised with ice cream by Ms. Robin while we were there.  It was awesome!
  • After dinner at Chick-fil-A and a little play time, we headed home to rest a bit before bed. 
  • Tomorrow's the big day, Kindergarten registration... I can't wait!

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