Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22, 2015

Highlights of the Day:
  • Woke up and climbed in bed with Mommy and Daddy.  The first thing I did was lean over to Daddy and tell him that Mommy and I painted our fingernails last night, then I told Mommy I was hungry so she fixed me breakfast.
  • I wore a new outfit to church today.  I felt super cute in it and I tried out three different pairs of shoes with the outfit throughout the day.
  • While Daddy was at his play, Mommy and I did some shopping (I asked Mommy to take pictures of me with some flowers).  I also rode around on the toilet paper while shopping at Target... It was the softest seat possible.  Mommy even bought me some things and I especially was excited about the letter and number stamps.  It was the first thing I wanted to do when we got home.  After stamping, we played outside a bit.  I tried out my new hula hoop, jump rope, and yo-yo and also biked around the neighborhood a bit.  I made sure to take the essentials with me in my bike basket (gummies in case I got hungry, a Band-Aid in case I got hurt, water, and my Elsa doll that I have named "Sunscreen."  (I told Mommy that I liked the name Sunscreen and that she and I were going to go to the beach and we would have to put sunscreen on both of us.)  Biking was so much fun and I'm getting much better on my bike, even though my wheels need pumped up a bit.  Daddy will have to work on that tomorrow. 
  • We spent the evening going through my clothes, getting rid of what is too small and reorganizing what's left.  It's amazing how much clothes I have! 
  • At bedtime, Mommy was yelling at the television.  The Mountaineers were playing basketball and it must be a big game or something.  Hopefully she isn't too loud that she keeps me up. 
  • While out and about today, I told Mommy that my "Creedo" (combination of creed and motto) is "Be helpful and be creative."  Mommy thinks this comes from watching Cinderella and me hearing Ella's life motto, "Always have courage and be kind."  She loved my "Creedo" and thought it was perfect for me, both helpful and creative!   

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