Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day:

  • When I woke up this morning Mommy let me watch Curious George on the ipad while we cuddled in her bed.  She seemed tired so I let her rest a little longer.
  • I couldn't wait for breakfast to be ready to have my banana, so I grabbed it from the counter and helped myself to it.  I ate nearly half of it before breakfast, and then I ate the other half.
  • I looked super cute in my colorful outfit today...  I was so excited to wear my brand new shoes, so Mommy let me, even though the didn't completely match.
  • Mommy and I spent what seemed like forever (an hour or more) at a place called DMV.  There were lots of people there.  It was really boring, except when I saw Courtney and Travis.  I was so excited to see them.  When it was their turn and they went to the counter, I kept yelling "Travis!  Courtney!" over and over again.  They could hear me across the room and giggled at me.  When they were finished they came back over to talk to me a little longer and I told them "Sit Down!" and pointed to the seats beside Mommy.  They couldn't stay more than a few minutes, but it was still nice talking to them.  I wonder where Ms. Cheri was today...  I miss her!
  • After being such a good girl at DMV, Mommy took me to Chick-fil-a for lunch.  I at chicken, fries, fruit, and yummy chocolate milk.  I even got to play in the play area there before we left.  It was very loud since there were lots of kids, so I told Mommy "loud."  We finally left when more kids came in and Mommy thought it was getting too crowded.
  • After a long nap at home, Mommy and I played and she started cooking and making a huge mess.  She said she was making cookies to take to Daddy and his friends at camp.  All I know is all of this white powdered stuff kept falling to the floor and I kept saying "Uh Oh!  Mess!"  She said she would clean it up so I didn't have to.  I have gotten to be quite the helper around the house, cleaning up my own messes as well as everyone elses.  I also took it upon myself to make sure the kitty cats have food in the mornings.
  • After dinner, Mommy and I went to look around a couple of store.  I had what Mommy calls a melt-down at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  I really made Mommy mad when I was being silly and I hit her in the face and took of her glasses.  I don't like seeing Mommy mad or upset, so I promised to be a "good girl."
  • Mommy and I spent a few minutes sitting on the porch watching the cars and people go by, then Carol and Mommy and I walked to Dairy Queen.  This time Mommy bought me my very own ice cream cone and I held it nearly the entire time.  I felt like such a big girl.
Boo boo for Mommy to kiss
Big girl holding Mommy's DMV number

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