Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day

  • I woke up on my own this morning close to 6:00, and then find out that it's Saturday and I could have slept in.  Mommy and Daddy wished that I had known to sleep in a bit, but Daddy got up with me.
  • I had some breakfast with Daddy before Mommy got up at 8:00, then Daddy left.  He said something about going caving.
  • Mommy and I hung out and played during the rest of the morning.  At one point, I found an ink pen and decided to color on my foot and legs.  Mommy was not too happy with me and I thought I did a real good job coloring.  I even tried to color Mommy's foot next.  I also found a fuzzy pair of Mommy's socks to put on with her high heel shoes.  Such a fashionista!  Close to lunch time, Carol and Alex came to pick us up.  I fell asleep in the car for a few minutes, then had to wake up.  We went to have lunch with Carol's mom... I ate a grilled cheese, french fries, corn on the cob, and I also got to try some watermelon and cantelope which I'm not a big fan of.  I got to drink some lemonade and it was a little sour, but still yummy.
  • After lunch, we went to Kohl's to go shopping.  I DID NOT want to be in my stroller and threw a fit, mostly because I was tired.  Mommy was not happy with me.  She carried me for a little bit, until I said "oh no!" and wiggled down to pick up clothes that were on the floor under the racks.  It bothers me so much to see clothes and hangers on the floor so I had to stop and pick them up and hand them to Mommy.  I did this with at least 10 clothing items.  Mommy let me walk around until I wasn't listening to her and then she made me get in the stroller.  After we started moving in the stroller, I calmed down and we shopped both at Kohl's and at the Christmas Tree Shop.  Mommy bought me a cute Elmo lunch box and a ladybug nap mat. 
  • After shopping, Carol took Mommy, Alex, and I to Cold Stone Creamery.  I got to try Carol's birthday cake remix ice cream and then Mommy got me a cup of my own (vanilla with rainbow sprinkles)... YUM!  We sat on the curb outside since inside was so crowded and I wanted to sit next to Alex, not Mommy.
  • I fell asleep on the way home, and the next thing I remember is waking up over a hour and a half later in my crib at home.  I'm not sure how I got from the car to my crib.
  • After visiting with Daddy after waking up from my nap, Mommy, Daddy, and I walked downtown for dinner.  There were SO MANY motorcycles (hundreds!) every where.  It was so much fun!  I loved counting them as the drove by and as we walked by groups of them.  Mommy and Daddy keep telling me "1, 2, 3, 4,..." but I prefer to count, "3, 9, 10!"  Even though I loved seeing the motorcycles, I wasn't a big fan of their noises... they are way to loud.  I ran toward Mommy or Daddy or hid behind them when they were too loud.  Overall, I did great and had fun walking around looking at all of them.  They were on several streets, so I got a lot of exercise since I walked nearly the whole way (except when Daddy carried me).


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