Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 30, 2012

Alyson's Exciting Events of the Day

  • I slept until about 7:30 this morning.  Daddy and I ate breakfast and watched Curious George (our morning routine).
  • I wore a beautiful butterfly dress to church this morning.  I wanted to wear my tan shoes, but Mommy and Daddy said they didn't match and had me change into my pink sandals after a little convincing.  Since it was chilly, I wore a long-sleeved shirt under my dress, though it only lasted an hour or so before it had to be removed due to an accident.  Luckily the temperature outside warmed up enough that I didn't get too cold.
  • I took my lifejacket to church today since it was needed as part of the morning meeting.  Ms. Linda was teaching about how Jesus is our lifejacket.  I was hoping to go swimming, but church was okay too.  There were lots of kids in the nursery so I had lots of friends to play with.  It was fun!
  • After the meeting, I sang into the microphone.  I tried eating the microphone while singing, but it didn't taste very good.  Mommy says I have a beautiful voice!
  • After church, Daddy took us to Five Guys for lunch.  We ate outside since the weather was so nice.  I was mostly interested in the number stickers that were on the wrappers of our sandwiches and tried to "paint" with a fry that had been dipped in ketchup "dip."  Several birds flew over as we were eating, so I waved at them.
  • I fought sleep all the way home in the car, but for some reason Mommy and Daddy were trying to keep me awake.  Once we got home, Daddy put me in our bed to take a nap but I didn't want to sleep anymore.  Finally, I fell asleep and slept for about two hours.
  • It rained while I was napping and rained off and on the rest of the evening, so I stayed in my pjs and had a lazy afternoon and evening. 
  • Mommy fixed stir-fry with ramen noodles for dinner.  The noodles were so much fun.  I played with them more than I ate them since Daddy didn't cut them for me. 
  • I picked up the Wii balance board and set it in the floor, then grabbed a Wiimote and stood on top of the board like Daddy does.  I started marching in place and dancing around waving my arms.  It's a shame Daddy was watching Star Trek instead of letting me actually play Wiifit. 
  • After a shower/bath, I ate an entire bowl of grapes then was ready to wind down and get ready for bed after another episode of George. 
  • When we went upstairs to get ready for bed.  Daddy and I hid from Mommy under the covers.  She couldn't find us.  I kept laughing when she did find us.  It was so much fun! 



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